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Wondering what size water heater do you need? We’ve got you covered! When determining the correct size of a tankless water heater, multiple components must be taken into account to guarantee maximum efficiency and performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various aspects of sizing a tankless water heater for your home, from understanding incoming water temperature to considering flow rate requirements and factoring in the number of showers and appliances.

In addition, we’ll discuss the importance of giving yourself a cushion when sizing your unit and seeking professional assistance for accurate guidance. By following our expert advice on tankless water heater sizing, you can confidently select the perfect model for your household’s hot water needs while maximizing energy savings.

Understanding Incoming Water Temperature

To properly size your tankless water heater, it’s crucial to know the incoming water temperature in your area. This factor plays a significant role in determining the right unit for your needs as it affects the required heating capacity of the system.

Importance of Knowing Incoming Water Temperature

Incoming water temperature is essential because it directly impacts how much energy your tankless electric water heater will need to heat up the cold supply. If you live in an area with colder temperatures, you’ll require a more powerful unit capable of raising that initial temperature by a greater degree. Conversely, if you reside in warmer regions, less power may be needed since there’s less difference between desired and incoming temperatures.

How to Determine Incoming Water Temperature

  1. Consulting Local Utility Companies: Your local utility company can provide information about average groundwater temperatures specific to your region.
  2. Contacting Regional Environmental Agencies: These organizations often have data regarding seasonal variations and trends related to groundwater temperatures.
  3. Finding Online Resources: Websites like USGS.gov, which provides comprehensive data on ground and surface-water conditions across different states, can also help determine accurate figures for various locations within their coverage areas.
  4. Purchasing an Infrared Thermometer: If all else fails or if you want precise measurements at home without relying on external sources, consider investing in an infrared thermometer that measures surface-water temperatures accurately from a distance.

Once you have determined the incoming water temperature, you can use this information to select an appropriate tankless electric water heater that will efficiently meet your household’s hot-water needs. It is essential to consider both seasonal and regional variations in temperatures when sizing a unit for optimal performance throughout the year.

Tankless Water Heater Sizing Chart

The chart takes into account different scenarios and suggests suitable models such as RHEEM RTEX 13, RHEEM RTEX-18, or RHEEM RTEX-27 depending on your specific requirements.

Understanding incoming water temperature is essential to ensure the proper size tankless water heater for your home. With this knowledge, you can now look at our tankless water heater sizing chart and determine which model will best suit your needs.

Key Takeaway: 

To properly size a tankless water heater, it’s important to know the incoming water temperature in your area. This affects the required heating capacity of the system and can be determined by consulting local resources or purchasing an infrared thermometer.

Tankless Water Heater Sizing Chart

The chart takes into account different scenarios and suggests suitable models such as RHEEM RTEX 13, RHEEM RTEX-18 or RHEEM RTEX-27 depending on your specific requirements.

Using our sizing chart effectively

To make the most out of our sizing chart, follow these simple steps:

  1. Determine your incoming water temperature by referring to local resources or using our chart.
  2. Calculate the total flow rate required for simultaneous usage in multiple fixtures like showers or sinks at home.
  3. Note down how many showers will be used simultaneously along with other appliances requiring hot water such as dishwashers or washing machines.
  4. Refer to our sizing chart with all this information handy and find a model that meets your needs.

Examples of suggested models based on various scenarios

The following examples illustrate how different situations may require distinct tankless electric water heater models:

By using our sizing chart and considering your specific requirements, you’ll be able to select the right tankless electric water heater for your home. Properly sizing your tankless water heater is important to ensure that you have enough hot water to meet your household’s peak hot water demand. Our sizing calculator takes into account factors such as incoming cold water temperature, desired output temperature, and the number of hot water fixtures in your household to correctly size your tankless unit. Additionally, our tankless water heater sizing calculator considers groundwater temperature to help you determine the appropriate size tankless water heater for your home.

It is important to understand the various factors involved in tankless water heater sizing, as this will ensure you select a model that meets your needs. Considering flow rate requirements can help determine which fixtures need to be considered when calculating total household flow rate demand.

Key Takeaway: 

The website provides a tankless water heater sizing chart to help users choose the appropriate model based on factors like location, desired flow rate, and number of showers. The chart suggests suitable models such as RHEEM RTEX 13, RHEEM RTEX-18 or RHEEM RTEX-27 depending on specific requirements. By using the sizing chart effectively and considering individual needs, users can select the right tankless electric water heater for their home.

Considering Flow Rate Requirements

Flow rate is another essential aspect to consider when selecting a tankless electric water heater. You need to determine how many gallons per minute (GPM) are required for simultaneous usage in multiple fixtures like showers or sinks at home. It is important to take note of showerhead GPM ratings and calculate the total demand accordingly before choosing a unit.

Determining Fixture GPM Ratings

To find out the flow rate requirements of your household, start by checking the GPM ratings on each fixture that uses hot water, such as showerheads and faucets. These ratings can usually be found either printed on the fixture itself or mentioned in its user manual. If you cannot locate this information, refer to the EPA’s WaterSense guidelines for standard flow rates.

Calculating Total Household Flow Rate Demand

To determine your overall hot-water demand, add up the flow rates of all fixtures that could potentially be used simultaneously during peak hours in your home. For example, if two showers are running concurrently with one kitchen faucet being used for dishwashing purposes:

In this example, if both showerheads have a flow rate of 2.5 GPM and the kitchen faucet has a flow rate of 2.0 GPM, your total demand would be:

By calculating your household’s hot-water demand in terms of gallons per minute, you can better understand which tankless electric water heater size will suit your needs best.

Comprehending the amount of hot water needed for your dwelling is necessary to opt for a tankless heater that can suffice your demands. The next step is factoring in the number of showers and appliances you have, as this can affect how much hot-water usage you need simultaneously.

Calculate your household’s hot-water demand by determining fixture GPM ratings and flow rate requirements for selecting the right tankless water heater size. #plumbingtips #waterheater #energyefficiencyClick to Tweet

Factoring in Number of Showers and Appliances

When sizing your tankless water heater, it’s essential to consider the number of showers that will be used simultaneously and other appliances requiring hot water, such as dishwashers or washing machines. By keeping these numbers in mind while referring to our sizing chart, you can select an adequate model capable of meeting all demands without overloading its capacity.

Estimating Simultaneous Hot Water Usage

To estimate simultaneous hot water usage, start by counting the number of people living in your home and their daily routines. Consider how many showers are typically taken at once during peak times (e.g., mornings or evenings) and whether any family members have specific needs like using a whirlpool tub or taking long showers. Additionally, think about guests who may visit occasionally and require hot water for their use.

Importance of Considering Appliance Hot Water Requirements

Apart from showers, various household appliances also consume hot water regularly. Dishwashers, washing machines, and kitchen sinks contribute significantly to overall demand. To ensure optimal performance from your tankless water heater system:

  1. Determine which appliances use hot water frequently in your home;
  2. Note down their individual GPM ratings if available;
  3. Add these numbers to your total household flow rate demand calculation.

If you possess a dishwasher and washing machine, both having GPM ratings of 2 and 1.5 respectively, add an extra 3.5 to the total flow rate for showers.

In summary, factoring in the number of showers and appliances that require hot water is crucial when sizing your tankless water heater system. By considering simultaneous usage and appliance requirements, you can ensure optimal performance from your unit without overloading its capacity or compromising on comfort levels at home. For further guidance, our team is available to provide expert advice on selecting the ideal tankless electric water heater system for your needs.

It is important to factor in the number of showers and appliances when sizing a tankless water heater, as it will ensure you have enough hot-water capacity for your needs. To further ensure an adequate amount of heating capacity, it’s beneficial to give yourself a cushion by choosing an appropriately sized model with extra power.

Key Takeaway: 

When selecting a tankless water heater, it’s important to consider the number of showers and appliances requiring hot water. To estimate simultaneous hot water usage, count the number of people in your home and their daily routines while factoring in appliance GPM ratings. By doing so, you can ensure optimal performance from your unit without overloading its capacity or compromising on comfort levels at home.

Giving Yourself A Cushion When Sizing

It’s always a good idea to give yourself some cushion when sizing your tankless water heater. This ensures that the unit can handle fluctuations in demand or unexpected changes in incoming water temperature without compromising performance. Consult our chart and consider opting for a slightly larger model than suggested if you’re unsure about exact needs.

Benefits of Having Extra Heating Capacity

How To Choose An Appropriately Sized Model With Cushion

To determine the right size tankless water heater with added cushioning, follow these steps:

  1. Determine your household’s total flow rate demand by calculating GPM ratings of all fixtures and appliances using hot water simultaneously (as discussed in the previous section).
  2. Refer to our sizing chart and find the suggested model based on your location, incoming water temperature, and flow rate requirements.
  3. If you’re unsure about exact needs or want some extra capacity for future expansion, consider choosing a model with slightly higher GPM ratings than recommended. This will provide additional heating power without significantly increasing energy consumption or costs.

In addition to consulting our sizing chart, it’s essential to read product specifications carefully and understand each unit’s capabilities before making a decision. Keep in mind that every home is unique, so it’s crucial to choose a tankless water heater tailored specifically for your household’s needs while allowing room for growth as necessary.

By taking the extra step to size your tankless water heater with a cushion, you can ensure that it will be able to handle any unexpected demands. Getting specialized help is a great method to guarantee you get the best out of your new system and keep away from potential issues down the line.

Key Takeaway: 

When sizing a tankless water heater, it’s important to give yourself some cushion for fluctuations in demand or incoming water temperature. Choosing a slightly larger model can provide better performance, fewer interruptions, increased energy efficiency and potential future expansion. To choose the right size with added cushioning, determine your household’s total flow rate demand and refer to a sizing chart while considering product specifications carefully.

Seeking Professional Assistance for Sizing

For assistance with sizing a tankless electric water heater, please contact us at 305-633-2656 for personalized guidance. Our team is more than happy to help you determine the appropriate unit based on your specific situation, explain concepts better, and ensure that you make an informed decision tailored to your needs.

Reasons to Consult Professionals for Sizing Guidance

Contacting PROPLUM (The Sarasota Plumber) for Expert Advice

To get started with finding the perfect tankless electric water heater size for your home, reach out to our team at PROPLUM (The Sarasota Plumber) by calling 305-633-2656 or visiting our website’s contact page. Our experienced professionals will be happy to:

  1. Answer any questions you may have about tankless water heater sizing and related factors.
  2. Provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs, location, and household hot-water demands.
  3. Assist with the installation process to ensure a seamless transition from your old water heating system to a new, energy-efficient tankless electric unit.

In addition to expert advice on sizing, our team at PROPLUM (The Sarasota Plumber) offers comprehensive plumbing services for all aspects of residential and commercial properties. From routine maintenance and repairs to complete system installations or replacements, we are committed to providing top-quality service that exceeds customer expectations. Visit our website’s services page for more information on how we can help you with all your plumbing needs.

Key Takeaway: 

To ensure you choose the right size tankless electric water heater, it’s best to seek professional assistance. Professionals can accurately assess your household’s hot water demands and recommend a suitable model accordingly while taking into account factors like incoming water temperature, flow rate requirements, and simultaneous appliance usage. By selecting an appropriately-sized unit with expert guidance, homeowners can save money on energy bills while avoiding unnecessary expenses related to oversized or undersized units.

FAQs in Relation to Tankless Water Heater Sizing

How to Determine the Correct Size for Your Tankless Water Heater

When selecting a tankless water heater, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure that you choose the right size for your household’s needs. These factors include incoming water temperature, flow rate requirements, the number of showers and appliances using hot water simultaneously, and giving yourself a cushion when sizing. Consulting professionals or using sizing charts can help you make the right selection.

What Size Tankless Water Heater is Suitable for a Family of Four?

A family of four typically requires a tankless water heater with an output between 24-36 kW. This provides enough capacity to handle multiple simultaneous hot-water usages like showers and appliances. However, individual needs may vary based on specific household demands and climate conditions.

What Size Tankless Water Heater Do I Need to Replace a 40-Gallon Tank?

To replace a 40-gallon traditional storage-tank unit with an equivalent-sized tankless model, look for one that offers around 8-10 gallons per minute (GPM) at your area’s average groundwater temperature. This should provide sufficient hot-water supply for most households’ daily usage patterns.

Does the Size of a Tankless Water Heater Matter?

Yes, the size of your tankless water heater matters because it affects its ability to meet your household’s hot-water demand efficiently. An undersized unit can lead to insufficient hot-water supply during peak times, while an oversized system results in wasted energy consumption and higher costs over time.


Proper Tankless Water Heater Sizing is essential for any homeowner looking to upgrade their hot water system. By understanding incoming water temperature, flow rate requirements, and the number of showers and appliances in your home, you can choose an appropriately sized model that meets your household’s needs. Giving yourself a cushion when sizing and seeking professional assistance can also ensure that you have extra heating capacity and expert guidance.

If you’re ready to upgrade your hot water system with a properly sized tankless water heater, contact PROPLUM (The Sarasota Plumber) today! Let our experts assist you in selecting the perfect tankless water heater to suit your household’s requirements. Don’t wait any longer to enjoy energy-efficient hot water on demand!

Contact us now for more information!